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about athleticflow

über die Gründer von athleticflow

Simon & Nora Kersten

Nora & Simon Kersten sind aus der Schweiz und Eltern von zwei Mädchen. Im Jahr 2016 kreierten sie aus der Liebe zu Yoga und Fitness athleticflow, also die Kombination aus den zwei sehr unterschiedlichen Welten. 

Während Nora für das Sanfte, das Ruhige und den Blick nach innen steht, ist Simon, der der immer 100% im Workout gibt und am liebsten im Bereich HIIT. Kontroverser könnten die beiden in ihrer sportlichen Aktivität nicht sein und dennoch merkten sie, dass genau diese Kombination so sinnvoll sei, um sich ganzheitlich fit und gesund zu fühlen.

Simon Kersten

Certified Fitness Instructor and Founder

Simon, a former professional tennis player, is a yoga teacher and group fitness instructor as well as personal trainer since 17 years teaching all kinds of high-intense classes such as bootcamp, GRIT, kick boxing, body art extreme, bodypump, CXW, Fitboxe and more. He coached clients in the United States, Denmark, Germany and currently in Switzerland.

His specialty is HIIT (high intense interval training) where he developed his own set of movements coming from different professional sports.


Nora Kersten

Certified Yoga Teacher and Founder

Nora is a full time yoga instructor and certified by Yoga Alliance. She has her own yoga teacher trainings educating every year 30-50 new yogis in her “My Yoga Path TTC”.

Nora learned different styles of yoga including the traditional way in India where she went many times. Her main teaching style is Vinyasa Yoga but she also teaches Power Yoga, Stand Up Paddle Yoga, Yin Yoga and Antigravity. While being a busy athleticflow and yoga instructor, she teaches a variety of healthy food workshops always with the goal showing clients how to create simple and tasty meals.

She is very convinced about the calmness, balance and inner strength as well as the control you gain from doing yoga.

Das athleticflow Ausbilder Team


Nina Kersten



Anna Scott Miller


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Dennis Neo


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Sandra Schuler


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Carol Bertschinger



Nora & Simon Kersten



athleticflow Buch


Erfahre mehr über den neuesten Fitness Trend im athleticflow Buch. Das Buch ist hier online oder im Buchhandel erhältlich und enthält 6 verschiedene Workouts. Jetzt bestellen und trainieren.

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